counseling center for women after sexual violence
Hier ist ein Foto. Darauf sieht man fünf Hände mit verschiedener Hautfarbe, die übereinander gelegt werden.

Frequently asked questions

How long will it take until I get an answer?

We will answer the initial request within 48 hours. The form of further contact will be coordinated with you in the following emails.

Why do I have to login?

Your email address will be transferred to a safe server via the secure login. Here, a mailbox will be set up that only you can access with your password. The online counselors will have to first log in there as well. If we would send a “normal” email, your privacy would not be protected enough. It would be similar to sending a postcard which is readable for everybody as well.

Why do I have to logout?

You can image logging out as closing a room off for unauthorized access. If you do not log out, you are still logged in. That would enable another person to reload our homepage and read your emails. You can find the logout button in the upper right corner of the page.


In case of technical issues, please contact AYGOnet directly via email.


Colmantstraße 39

53115 Bonn

0228 90822-0


If you don’t agree with the respective consult, you can contact the bff’s arbitration board.

bff: Bundesverband Frauenberatungsstellen und Frauennotrufe.

Frauen gegen Gewalt e.V.

– Schlichtungsstelle –

Petersburger Straße 94

10247 Berlin

Fax: 030 32299501


Exit button

This is the exit button.
In German it is called “Ausgang-Knopf”.
You can click here,
then the website will change quickly to the search engine “Google”.

You can use that
in case somebody enters the room:
This way, the person cannot see
that you are seeking help from us.

Caution: If you click on “back” (arrow button),
the website of the Frauennotruf Bielefeld e.V. will reappear.